Playball Term 1 202530/01/2025Read moreSaint Kentigern Girls’ School offers scholarships at the Senior School level (Years 7-8)30/01/2025Read moreSaba30/01/2025Read moreCornwall’s Girls & Women Club Day15/01/2025Read moreCornwall Cricket Club 70th Anniversary Update15/01/2025Read moreLittle Scientists03/12/2024Read moreBricks 4 Kidz03/12/2024Read moreThe Players Sports January Cricket Clinic is back!03/12/2024Read moreAndy’s Holiday Programme03/12/2024Read moreEpsom North Kindergarten26/11/2024Read moreLittle Scientists26/11/2024Read moreAlice – A Wonderland Musical26/11/2024Read moreSHINE – TERM 417/10/2024Read moreEduExperts Holiday Programme02/07/2024Read moreCommunity Taekwondo Classes28/05/2024Read moreLittle Scientists Holiday Programme08/04/2024Read moreEduExperts One Tree Hill08/04/2024Read moreCoding NZ – Computer/Mobile Coding Lessons13/02/2024Read moreSaba – Something for everyone08/02/2024Read moreWaterlions Swim School24/10/2023Read moreAro Arataki Children’s Centre25/09/2023Read moreOranga Brownies25/09/2023Read moreSt Cuthbert’s Swim School12/09/2023Read moreEpsom Community Creche23/03/2023Read moreChildren’s Asthma Study (CARE)23/03/2023Read moreFANTASTIC DRAWING CLASSES in CPDS14/03/2023Read moreEpsom South Kindergarten12/04/2022Read moreSchool Donation 202225/03/2022Read moreNEXT CHAPTER PARENTING Offering The PARENT SURVIVAL KIT PARENTING COURSE15/03/2022Read moreQuiz Night – Saturday 21 August28/07/2021Read moreEnd of Term Staff Update01/07/2021Read moreBOT Update – June 202122/06/2021Read moreRm 27’s Amazing 1970 Robots22/06/2021Read moreA Timely Reminder to Keep Children Safe11/06/2021Read moreTerm 2 Instrumental Music Lessons Year 3-6: Enrolment Reminder28/04/2021Read moreY5 and 6 Triathlon and Summer Field Day16/04/2021Read moreEnd of Term 116/04/2021Read moreMENZA Songwriting Experience16/04/2021Read moreBOT Update- April 202116/04/2021Read moreCelebrating Two of our Walking School Bus Parents14/04/2021Read moreFantastic Fun Fiesta!!12/04/2021Read moreFamily Fun Fiesta Newsletter – Week 1009/04/2021Read moreFAMILY FUN FIESTA AUCTION – is now live!!!08/04/2021Read moreMaths Whizz for Years 3-626/03/2021Read moreCPDS is seeing Purple Today26/03/2021Read moreSwimming Success26/03/2021Read moreThank you for the Flowers25/03/2021Read moreCongratulations to Tristan18/03/2021Read moreYear 5/6 Netball15/03/2021Read moreYear 3/4 Netball15/03/2021Read moreBOT UPDATE – MARCH 202110/03/2021Read moreInstrumental Music Lessons Year 3-609/03/2021Read moreLevel 3- Learning From Home This Week!27/02/2021Read morePuberty Classes for Year 6 Students17/02/2021Read moreBack to School Tomorrow at Level 217/02/2021Read moreMaths Whizz for Year 3-6 Students15/02/2021Read morePuberty Lessons for Year 6 Students15/02/2021Read moreLevel Three Learning Online14/02/2021Read more新年快乐 – Happy New Year13/02/2021Read moreBeing Role Models11/02/2021Read moreJoyce Fisher Preschool10/02/2021Read moreRecognising 100 Years at our School10/02/2021Read moreYear 3-6 Instrumental Music Lessons: Enrolment Reminder10/02/2021Read moreCentennial Message from the Board09/02/2021Read morePractising with the Blues04/02/2021Read moreWe are Celebrating 100 years02/02/2021Read moreYear 3-6 Instrumental Music Lessons: Enrolments for Term 1 202101/02/2021Read moreHappy New Year 2021 and Getting to Know Your Child Meetings 2 February25/01/2021Read moreMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year15/12/2020Read moreSigning of T-shirts (Year 6 and other leavers)14/12/2020Read moreEnd of Year Walking School Bus Success11/12/2020Read moreSchool Organisation 202110/12/2020Read moreInternational Competition Success08/12/2020Read moreSuccess at EPRO8 Competition30/11/2020Read moreCongratulations to Lawrence25/11/2020Read morePerforming Arts Competition25/11/2020Read moreCongratulations to Steven Mills25/11/2020Read moreStars on Stage18/11/2020Read moreTable Tennis Success17/11/2020Read moreEPro8 Semi-Finals17/11/2020Read moreRoad Safety Poster Competition17/11/2020Read moreOutstanding Speech Maker11/11/2020Read moreWalking School Bus (WSB) Update09/11/2020Read moreRoom 27’s Wonder Project Movie06/11/2020Read moreDance Performances Friday06/11/2020Read moreDisco05/11/2020Read moreMathematics Success03/11/2020Read moreChampion of Champions Success03/11/2020Read moreCross Country03/11/2020Read moreImportant Message from the Board of Trustees02/11/2020Read moreCongratulations21/10/2020Read moreYear 6 Performing Arts Cup: Entries Close Tuesday 20th October16/10/2020Read moreKeeping our Children Safe16/10/2020Read moreTerm 4 Instrumental Music Lessons: Enrolment Reminder16/10/2020Read moreYear 6: Performing Arts Cup13/10/2020Read moreLooking Forward to Monday09/10/2020Read moreTerm 4 Instrumental Music Lessons: Enrolments06/10/2020Read moreBoard of Trustees Newsletter – September 24/0924/09/2020Read moreTerm 4 Instrumental Music Lessons24/09/2020Read moreNZ Chinese Language and NZ Sign Language Week23/09/2020Read moreEnd of Term Update17/09/2020Read moreSeptember Update16/09/2020Read moreA Request from our House Captains15/09/2020Read moreMalo e Lelei11/09/2020Read moreSchool Projects Due to Start11/09/2020Read moreUike Kātoanga’i ‘o e Lea Faka-Tonga /TONGAN LANGUAGE WEEK 202010/09/2020Read moreTerm 3 Instrumental Music Lessons Resume This Week01/09/2020Read moreReturn to School at Level 226/08/2020Read moreMATARIKI 202025/08/2020Read moreTeacher Only Day Friday 28 August -POSTPONED18/08/2020Read moreCatch Your Child(ren) Being Good17/08/2020Read moreContinuation of Level 314/08/2020Read moreLearning Online during Level 312/08/2020Read moreWhat Level 3 in Auckland means for CPDS11/08/2020Read moreUpcoming Zoom Question and Answer Session11/08/2020Read moreAugust Update10/08/2020Read moreNew Wellbeing/ Behaviour Page on Website10/08/2020Read moreUpcoming Walking School Bus Event07/08/2020Read moreOur Netball Girls Star at Central Pulse Game31/07/2020Read moreUpcoming Teacher Only Days31/07/2020Read moreEpsom Community Creche29/07/2020Read moreSports Events 202029/07/2020Read moreTravelwise23/07/2020Read moreTerm 3 Instrumental Music Lessons: Urgent reminder20/07/2020Read moreTerm 3 Instrumental Music: Enrolment Reminder14/07/2020Read moreMatariki Celebrations 202008/07/2020Read moreEnd of Term 203/07/2020Read morePick Up/ Drop Off Reminder25/06/2020Read moreImportant Message – Please Read23/06/2020Read moreJustified and Unjustified Absences22/06/2020Read moreReports on Hero19/06/2020Read moreBOT Update – June 202017/06/2020Read moreOnline Reporting Rollout16/06/2020Read more2020-Y5 and 6 Camps15/06/2020Read moreStaff Update15/06/2020Read moreOur School Centenary is Not Far Away12/06/2020Read moreMoving into Level One Tomorrow08/06/2020Read moreTerm 2 Reporting and Parent Discussions05/06/2020Read moreAttendance Reporting to the Ministry of Education30/05/2020Read morePost Covid Staff Update27/05/2020Read moreChange to Pick Up Times Next Week22/05/2020Read moreUpdate after Day 1 Including Some Changes18/05/2020Read moreImportant-In Preparation for Monday17/05/2020Read moreTwo Important Messages- Please read15/05/2020Read morePreparing for Monday15/05/2020Read moreImportant Information As We Approach Level 212/05/2020Read moreWinners of the Week 3 Lockdown Competition28/04/2020Read moreLockdown Competition – Week 3 (Pet Day)21/04/2020Read moreWinners of the Week 2 Lockdown Competition19/04/2020Read moreLevel 3 for Schools18/04/2020Read moreWell done!!- You have Survived Day Two of Online learning at Home16/04/2020Read moreSuccessful Songwriters at CPDS16/04/2020Read moreCatching Your Children Being Good15/04/2020Read moreImportant filtering help from the Ministry and Network for Learning (N4L)14/04/2020Read moreFAQ on Learning at Home14/04/2020Read moreMrs Irvine’s Lockdown Challenge -Week 214/04/2020Read moreGuidelines for Online Learning that starts tomorrow14/04/2020Read moreCPDS Whānau Positivity Overload Page11/04/2020Read moreWinners of Week One’s Lockdown Challenge09/04/2020Read moreA Lockdown Challenge form Mrs Irvine04/04/2020Read moreHome Learning Update27/03/2020Read moreMessage regarding Kapa Haka from Lisa Rolle25/03/2020Read moreEssential Businesses23/03/2020Read moreSome Online Links and Offline Ideas23/03/2020Read moreCOVID-19 Update20/03/2020Read morePedestrian Gates17/03/2020Read moreCOVID-19 Update 16/03/2020Read moreCOVID-19 Update12/03/2020Read moreCOVID-19 Update09/03/2020Read moreLatest COVID-19 Update05/03/2020Read moreLastest Update on COVID-1904/03/2020Read moreCOVID-19 Update02/03/2020Read moreCPDS Fair 202028/02/2020Read moreTerm 1 Instrumental Music Lessons18/02/2020Read moreTerm 1 Instrumental Music Lessons: Reminder that enrolments close this Friday10/02/2020Read moreCelebrating Chinese New Year07/02/2020Read moreWelcome Back Everyone04/02/2020Read moreIMPORTANT: Coronavirus Update-重要信息:冠状病毒更新 29/01/2020Read moreIMPORTANT: Coronavirus Update 重要信息:冠状病毒更新26/01/2020Read moreHappy New Year 2020 新年快乐 202020/01/2020Read moreMerry Christmas13/12/2019Read moreString Ensemble Performance in the Town Hall10/12/2019Read moreWell done to our Flipperball teams10/12/2019Read moreClass Organisation for 202010/12/2019Read moreFlag Day05/12/2019Read moreSurprise $400,000 for Maintenance Funding from the Government03/12/2019Read moreEnd of Year-Teacher Update 02/12/2019Read moreLife Education Classes for Years 3,4,5 & 629/11/2019Read moreProcess for Selecting ‘Flag Day’ Award Recipients29/11/2019Read moreKapa Haka Performance at Albert-Eden Festival 201926/11/2019Read more2019 APPA Festival of Music20/11/2019Read moreFlag Day / Prize Giving Ceremony 201919/11/2019Read moreBOT Fair Newsletter Nov 201919/11/2019Read moreAroha House Reward15/11/2019Read moreKids for Kids Concert13/11/2019Read moreDisco13/11/2019Read moreOur Y6 Lions Citizenship Award Recipients08/11/2019Read moreHappy Diwali01/11/2019Read moreFractured Fairy Tales Production01/11/2019Read moreYear 5/6 Production Next Week25/10/2019Read moreAuckland Marathon – CPDS Runners Race Report 21/10/2019Read moreStaffing Update for 202021/10/2019Read more2019 Chesspower Nationals21/10/2019Read moreNew Staff Term 421/10/2019Read moreBest Start16/10/2019Read moreBOT Update27/09/2019Read moreLewis Eady Music Contest Placings27/09/2019Read moreCongratulations to Hayden C26/09/2019Read moreParent Event26/09/2019Read moreY6 Performing Arts Cup26/09/2019Read moreSuccess for our Y4 Orcas24/09/2019Read moreImportant Message From Cornwall Park23/09/2019Read moreImportant Message from Auckland Regional Dental Service23/09/2019Read moreBasketball News20/09/2019Read moreCross Country Zones20/09/2019Read moreStaff Update20/09/2019Read moreCelebrating Jamie and Kayla Y620/09/2019Read moreMusic Group visits/ Mathex and Gymnastics Update20/09/2019Read moreSpeech Success20/09/2019Read moreScience Fair and Art Exhibition20/09/2019Read moreTerm 4 Flippaball, Mini Polo, Basketball18/09/2019Read moreLewis Eady Junior Music Contest13/09/2019Read moreChickens in Room 2311/09/2019Read moreNau mai ki te wiki tuawaru o te wāhanga tuatoru. Te wiki o Te Reo Māori.10/09/2019Read moreSki Team Results05/09/2019Read more2019 Mandarin Language Speech Competition05/09/2019Read moreSave the Fair / August Board Update04/09/2019Read moreTongan Language Week03/09/2019Read moreDaffodil Day02/09/2019Read moreStaff Update29/08/2019Read moreEPro8 Competition23/08/2019Read moreWinter Field Day23/08/2019Read moreImportant Measles Outbreak Information22/08/2019Read moreNext Out of Zone Ballot22/08/2019Read moreA Night to Remember16/08/2019Read moreMaths Week16/08/2019Read moreJuly Board Update13/08/2019Read moreGymnastics Success13/08/2019Read moreImportant -To and From School Safety Messages09/08/2019Read moreYear 6 Choir APPA Music Festival07/08/2019Read moreStaff Update07/08/2019Read moreCPDS Turns 100! Cornwall Park 小学就快 100 周年了!05/08/2019Read moreWell Done to our Y3 and Y4 Netball Teams01/08/2019Read moreHealth and Wellbeing Survey29/07/2019Read moreSupporting our Principal25/07/2019Read moreWork from some of our Fantastic Year 1 Poets24/07/2019Read moreAn Important Message – Please read23/07/2019Read moreTerm 3 Instrumental Music Lessons22/07/2019Read moreCPDS Netballers are tough05/07/2019Read moreJune board update05/07/2019Read moreStaff Update04/07/2019Read moreRimu Sharing of the Arts04/07/2019Read moreMatariki 201901/07/2019Read moreExciting News27/06/2019Read moreDeclaration of Cornwall Park District School Board of Trustees Election Results 201914/06/2019Read moreElectronic devices12/06/2019Read moreOur Kids Lit Quiz Team were so Successful10/06/2019Read moreStaff Update10/06/2019Read moreYear 5&6 Sports Exchange – 25th June07/06/2019Read moreOur Successful Chess Team06/06/2019Read morePlanned Lockdown Practice 锁定演习计划06/06/2019Read moreSome Reminders for Parents06/06/2019Read moreYear 5 & 6 Sports Exchange – 11th June05/06/2019Read moreBOARD UPDATE – END MAY 2019年 5月 董事会会议通讯 请看下面的简单翻译, 谢谢04/06/2019Read moreSerious Health Concerns31/05/2019Read moreStaff Update31/05/2019Read moreTwo Solid Weeks of Camps24/05/2019Read moreA Perk of Being Principal23/05/2019Read moreTeacher Only Day-Next Friday 31 May22/05/2019Read moreTeachers Strike Wednesday 29 May21/05/2019Read moreCPDS has never been so Pink!!17/05/2019Read moreNational Support Staff Day Tomorrow15/05/2019Read moreBoard Newsletter- May 201914/05/2019Read moreTwo Big National Campaigns Next Week10/05/2019Read moreA Day in the Life …..of our Kowhai Team Children10/05/2019Read moreImportant News-Please read02/05/2019Read moreHouse Captains – brief meeting today02/05/2019Read moreTerm 2 Instrumental Music Lessons23/04/2019Read moreA Poetic Picture of the Fair12/04/2019Read moreA Huge Thank You08/04/2019Read moreBOT Newsletter – April 201904/04/2019Read moreCall out for Parent Helpers for the Fair26/03/2019Read moreSchool Donations25/03/2019Read moreSwimming Zones Competition25/03/2019Read moreChildren Promoting our Fair25/03/2019Read moreY1 and Y2 Biathlon22/03/2019Read moreVisit from Ofa Tu’ungafasi22/03/2019Read moreColour Our Day22/03/2019Read moreComing Together as a Country – Mufti Day Tomorrow21/03/2019Read moreHouse Captain meeting20/03/2019Read moreSome Information That May Be Of Help17/03/2019Read moreOur thoughts are with them15/03/2019Read moreFirst Vlog15/03/2019Read moreHouse T-Shirts15/03/2019Read moreUpcoming Teacher Union Meetings next week15/03/2019Read moreStaff Update15/03/2019Read moreBOT Newsletter – March 201907/03/2019Read moreSchool Culture06/03/2019Read moreA Mid Term Catchup04/03/2019Read moreGarden to Table and Family Picnic04/03/2019Read moreFriends & Family School Picnic19/02/2019Read moreChinese New Year Celebrations15/02/2019Read more2019 Fair Proceeds15/02/2019Read moreA Chaser to Visit our School13/02/2019Read moreYr 6 Mini Polo Practise13/02/2019Read moreOpening for the Breakers08/02/2019Read moreLantern Festival Success05/02/2019Read moreYear 6 Puberty Classes05/02/2019Read moreTwo Amazing Students31/01/2019Read moreAnother Successful Second Hand Uniform Sale31/01/2019Read moreWatch TV One News29/01/2019Read moreBack to School Tomorrow28/01/2019Read moreInviting Feedback on Strategic Plan25/01/2019Read moreSecond Hand Uniform Sale23/01/2019Read moreHappy New Year, 新年快乐16/01/2019Read moreChristmas Wishes14/12/2018Read moreYear 6 Leavers: Closing your Kindo Account14/12/2018Read moreCornered!!!13/12/2018Read moreGenerous Donation and Leader Project13/12/2018Read more2019 Class Organisation10/12/2018Read moreBlues Ceremony and Y6 Graduation10/12/2018Read moreFlag Day Apology10/12/2018Read moreFlag Day- Change of Date03/12/2018Read moreFlag Day Information 201829/11/2018Read moreThe CPDS Dragons29/11/2018Read moreAthletic Zone Success29/11/2018Read moreBeach Education as a Motivation29/11/2018Read moreOpen Afternoon and Parent Discussions29/11/2018Read moreBeing Creative Learners in Room 2228/11/2018Read moreTwo Names to Watch For28/11/2018Read moreChristmas Cheer for Others27/11/2018Read moreInstrumental Music Lessons27/11/2018Read moreBoys Choir and Senior Ukulele today27/11/2018Read more‘Self-Managing’ New Entrants23/11/2018Read moreAria Park Performance23/11/2018Read morePlease Respect our Neighbours21/11/2018Read moreDiwali Celebration20/11/2018Read moreKapa Haka Performance at Mt Albert Cultural Festival20/11/2018Read moreAPPA Music Festival16/11/2018Read moreEPro8 Challenge15/11/2018Read more‘Kids for Kids’ Show14/11/2018Read moreTable Tennis Competition13/11/2018Read moreWell done to our Y6 Performers09/11/2018Read moreRecent Marathon08/11/2018Read moreY6 Production- A Kidsummer Night’s Dream06/11/2018Read moreEPro8 Challenge05/11/2018Read moreBOT Newsletter – October 201802/11/2018Read moreY0-2 Cross Country30/10/2018Read moreY5 Dance Extravaganza30/10/2018Read moreThanks For a Great Disco30/10/2018Read moreWorm farm30/10/2018Read moreEnd of Year Awards23/10/2018Read more2019 Student Placement Form17/10/2018Read moreWelcome to Term 415/10/2018Read moreFair Convenor – WE WANT YOU!!28/09/2018Read morePink Ribbon28/09/2018Read moreAwesome Inquiry & Writing28/09/2018Read moreWHAT NOW – Incredible Day!!26/09/2018Read moreBasketball26/09/2018Read moreCPDS Snappers26/09/2018Read moreCross Country26/09/2018Read moreAPPA Music Competition26/09/2018Read moreKindo – Online ordering and payment21/09/2018Read moreBOT Newsletter – September 201819/09/2018Read moreOrchestra Practice – Music Club19/09/2018Read moreSpeech Competitions14/09/2018Read moreRugby14/09/2018Read moreAuckland Champion of Champion Gymnastics14/09/2018Read moreAmazing Book Week14/09/2018Read morePerforming Arts Cup Competition12/09/2018Read moreDaffodil Day07/09/2018Read moreTotara Production07/09/2018Read morePerformance Trip07/09/2018Read moreTongan Language Week07/09/2018Read moreBoys Choir and Ukulele Group03/09/2018Read moreCPDS Ski Team31/08/2018Read moreWHAT NOW!!31/08/2018Read moreCross Country31/08/2018Read moreWatties Can Collection31/08/2018Read moreCelebrating Learning31/08/2018Read moreSpeech Competition31/08/2018Read moreMandarin Speech Competition31/08/2018Read moreWHAT NOW!!!24/08/2018Read moreYear 5 & 6 Cross Country22/08/2018Read moreBoard of Trustees are reviewing the following policies22/08/2018Read moreBoys Choir today20/08/2018Read moreCasual vacancy for an elected trustee – two roles17/08/2018Read moreLearner Dispositions17/08/2018Read moreMrs Wynne’s Ukulele Group today16/08/2018Read moreLearning is Evolving – Get on the ball10/08/2018Read moreCPDS Sport Update10/08/2018Read moreGymnastics Zone Day10/08/2018Read moreStudent Led Conferences/NZEI Strike/Siyanqi Primary10/08/2018Read moreKauri Team Production08/08/2018Read moreWonderful Writing08/08/2018Read moreBOT Newsletter – July 201807/08/2018Read morePowhiri – Siyanqi Primary School06/08/2018Read moreFriends And Family03/08/2018Read moreMotivated Learners27/07/2018Read moreWelcome back to Term 3!23/07/2018Read moreBOT Newsletter – June 201806/07/2018Read moreFarewell for a Term06/07/2018Read moreTime to Celebrate06/07/2018Read moreNo Ensemble Group today06/07/2018Read moreLock Down Practice Completed05/07/2018Read moreRecorder, Flute and Keyboard lessons today04/07/2018Read morePlanned Lock Down Practice29/06/2018Read moreGymnastics Fun Festival28/06/2018Read moreWig Wednesday20/06/2018Read moreMatariki 201815/06/2018Read moreProtecting Privacy15/06/2018Read moreStaff Updates for Term 312/06/2018Read moreCompetitive Sports Games for 12 June- Year 5/6 Tuesday Sports08/06/2018Read moreLatou Foliga Manaia31/05/2018Read moreMalō soifua30/05/2018Read moreDelightful Days at Camp28/05/2018Read moreBOT Newsletter – May 201825/05/2018Read moreReminder Teacher Only Day/ Queen’s Birthday -School Closed24/05/2018Read moreSome Recent Events23/05/2018Read moreREMINDER-PARENT/STUDENT AND TEACHER CONFERENCES EARLY FINISH TUESDAY 29th MAY 201814/05/2018Read moreStaff Leaving us at the End of the Term11/05/2018Read moreSome Powerful Writing10/05/2018Read moreWell done to a Multi-Talented Young Lady10/05/2018Read moreSchool Discussions10/05/2018Read moreA New Beginning09/05/2018Read moreReminder-‘PTA Brainstorming’ session TONIGHT27/04/2018Read moreY5/6 Triathlon Results13/04/2018Read moreReceiving Important School Messages12/04/2018Read moreBest News Ever- Fair Income Goes Up12/04/2018Read moreSchool is open11/04/2018Read moreYet Another Successful Fair09/04/2018Read more2018 House Captains06/04/2018Read moreA Huge Thank You from Viv Quan29/03/2018Read moreEaster Ice Skating29/03/2018Read moreSchool Donation28/03/2018Read moreRemuera Zone Swimming Sports22/03/2018Read morePTA Meeting Minutes 8 March 201819/03/2018Read moreWell done to our teachers Colleen, Kelsi and Kimberly19/03/2018Read moreCongratulations to a past pupil-Te Kahurangi Whata19/03/2018Read moreCongratulations to a Past Pupil- Harry Butler16/03/2018Read moreYear 5 and 6 Swimming Sports Results14/03/2018Read moreA Brave Staff Member is Shaving her Head for Charity14/03/2018Read moreBOT Newsletter – March 201814/03/2018Read moreWell-Being Focus in 201813/03/2018Read moreSpelling Review12/03/2018Read morePTA Picnic tonight 5-7pm02/03/2018Read moreIntroducing CPDS Houses02/03/2018Read moreNew Disposition Passports28/02/2018Read moreHappy Chinese New Year – 新年快乐23/02/2018Read moreUpdating your School App Details for 201821/02/2018Read morePTA Family Picnic20/02/2018Read moreWelcome to our New Staff09/02/2018Read moreA huge thanks to our PTA31/01/2018Read moreSummer Heat30/01/2018Read moreSad News30/01/2018Read moreWelcome Back to the 2018 School Year25/01/2018Read moreMerry Christmas15/12/2017Read moreStaff Announcement- New Associate Principal Appointed13/12/2017Read moreGraffiti Problem11/12/2017Read moreBOT Newsletter – November 201708/12/2017Read moreCongratulations to Lisa Rolle05/12/2017Read moreDoes your school uniform still fit you?04/12/2017Read moreAthletic Zones01/12/2017Read moreOur Totara-i-Ahua Group Perform at Festival28/11/2017Read moreA Wonderful Powhiri28/11/2017Read more2018 School Organisation28/11/2017Read morePTA Meeting27/11/2017Read moreBOT Newsletter – October 201717/11/2017Read moreWonderful Y6 Production16/11/2017Read morePTA Minutes of October 19 Meeting13/11/2017Read moreY6 APPA Festival Performance10/11/2017Read moreY5 Kids For Kids Concert08/11/2017Read moreCornwall Park District School – Annual Review of Charter08/11/2017Read moreKids Marathon03/11/2017Read moreYear 5 Dance Extravaganza03/11/2017Read moreWriting Workshops02/11/2017Read moreDiwali Celebration27/10/2017Read moreY0-4 Cross Country Results27/10/2017Read moreAnother Welcome27/10/2017Read moreTerm 4 Reports27/10/2017Read moreCarpark, Crossing and Grounds Reminder26/10/2017Read moreICAS Results- Mathematics and English26/10/2017Read moreTerm 4 is Underway19/10/2017Read morePTA September Meeting Minutes17/10/2017Read moreBOT Newsletter – September 201710/10/2017Read moreZone Cross Country Success20/09/2017Read moreMathex 201719/09/2017Read moreBOT Newsletter – August 201719/09/2017Read moreHealth Alert- Mumps18/09/2017Read moreSuccess at the Gymnastics Competition on Friday18/09/2017Read moreOur ‘Te Reo’ Strategy15/09/2017Read moreClassroom Music Update13/09/2017Read moreA Delightful Afternoon at the Proms12/09/2017Read moreWorn with Pasifika Pride08/09/2017Read moreStaff Update for Term 408/09/2017Read more2018 Local Writers’ Festival08/09/2017Read moreMālō e lelei07/09/2017Read moreHealth Alert- For Pregnant Mothers05/09/2017Read moreSpeech Competitions01/09/2017Read moreEPro8 Competition01/09/2017Read moreAnother CPDS Star01/09/2017Read moreYear 5 and 6 Cross Country01/09/2017Read moreBlues Award Update29/08/2017Read moreAn Outstanding Result for Daffodil Day25/08/2017Read moreCultural Concert22/08/2017Read moreSister School Visit22/08/2017Read moreCPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter – 1st August 201721/08/2017Read moreY5/6 Winter Field Day17/08/2017Read moreMaths Competition – Siyanqi v CPDS17/08/2017Read moreReplacement of Decile Ratings16/08/2017Read moreGymnastics Zone Competition15/08/2017Read moreY4 Choir Performance at the Town Hall15/08/2017Read moreICAS Science Results11/08/2017Read moreKapa Haka Performance07/08/2017Read moreCongratulations07/08/2017Read morePTA Meeting Thursday 7.30pm07/08/2017Read moreAnother Two Entries31/07/2017Read moreWelcome Nicky31/07/2017Read moreNewsletter – Principals update28/07/2017Read morePreparing students for the 21st Century27/07/2017Read moreFixed V Growth Mindset27/07/2017Read moreThe Year 2 Production. A huge success!17/07/2017Read moreYear 2 Concert – Back Stage Preparation17/07/2017Read moreJapanese Dance Rehersal17/07/2017Read moreJapanese Artwork17/07/2017Read moreSupporting Guide Dogs17/07/2017Read moreConstruction and Stories17/07/2017Read moreYear 2 Production Celebrating Different Cultures16/07/2017Read moreDifferent ways to make 5!12/07/2017Read moreWe are curious learners12/07/2017Read moreOur Mother’s are Important01/07/2017Read moreWeaving and Haka song!!!!!!!01/07/2017Read moreWig Wednesday01/07/2017Read moreRiglets Session provided for us by Snow Planet01/07/2017Read moreMatariki Celebrations27/06/2017Read moreAmbury Farm Trip26/06/2017Read morePet Rocks22/06/2017Read moreLearn about Verbs22/06/2017Read moreCPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter – 12 June 201712/06/2017Read moreCPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter – 17 May 201717/05/2017Read moreCPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter – 16 March 201716/03/2017Read more