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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

This proved quite difficult for most. Here are the correct answers of the ‘Baby Photo’ competition:

A- Mrs Wood, B- Mrs Irvine, C-Mr Powell, D- Mrs Wynne, E- Ms Eadie, F-Mr Mills, G- Ms Webber, H-Mrs Lingard, I- Mr Campbell, J- Mr Naidu, K-Miss Brook, L- Mr Siriwardane, M- Mrs Christie, N- Ms Grimmer.

I was impressed with the 3 people who matched the most baby photos to the right teacher, with 9 correct guesses each.

Therefore, their names were drawn from a hat in the order of 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Congratulations to our Winners

1st- Aanya Dewan Rm 28, who will receive 150 points for Aroha, as well as a $40 gift voucher for Paper Plus. (To be given when we are back at school)

2nd-  Sienna Hansen R6,  who will receive 100 points for Manawanui and  she will be able to pick a prize from the caught being good box, when she returns to school.

3rd- Aarvi Varshney Rm 23, who will receive 50 points for Kanorau and she will be able to pick a prize from the caught being good box, when she returns to school.

Below is the movie showing names being drawn.

Movie on 19-04-20 at 6.21 PM

Well done to everyone

Week 3’s competition will hopefully be posted this Tuesday.

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