To ensure that your child’s school uniform is not lost it is vital that ALL SCHOOL UNIFORM ITEMS BE CLEARLY NAMED with your child’s full name.
All lost uniform items, shoes, lunchboxes, drink bottles etc found are transferred to the Lost Property Shed at the back of the junior classroom block (behind Room 10). This lost property may be inspected at any time during the school day.
Lost property is sorted each term by volunteers and all named and identifiable property is returned to the pupil’s classroom.
Periodically it is advertised in the school newsletter that all lost property will be displayed outside the school library. Whereas volunteers check each lost item for a name and try to find an owner, it is important for parents/caregivers to take this opportunity to check all items as ALL lost property left unclaimed will be disposed of.
All items of removable clothing should be clearly named to prevent loss.
Do you want to reduce the congestion outside the school, help the environment, meet new people and incorporate exercise into your daily routine? Then, the perfect solution is the Walking School Bus (WSB). We are looking for new families to join and lead our Walking School Buses!
Below you will find the routes, the current times and days these are operating. We would love to get some more parents involved so we can operate more routes daily.
Each WSB is run by a co-ordinator. They set up a Whatsapp group so you can inform them if your child is not joining that day, or if it is torrential weather they can easily cancel it.
Each coordinator has a high vis jacket and a first aid kit with them.
If you would like to volunteer to help out and would like your child to join, please complete the registration form below and send it to panderson@cpds.school.nz.
The morning WSB routes are:
Rawhiti Rd WSB (Through Cornwall Park) – 08.00am departure Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings (We are looking for parent support for Friday mornings). The group meets outside 29 Tawa Rd to bike to school (via Cornwall Park).
Cornwall Park Ave, Wapiti Rd, Wheturangi Rd WSB – 8.10am departure DAILY
Departs the corner of Market Rd/ Cornwall Park Ave to school.
The afternoon WSB routes are:
Rawhiti Rd WSB (Through Cornwall Park) – meet 03.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school (We are looking for parent support for Fridays).
Cornwall Park Ave, Wapiti Rd, Wheturangi Rd WSB – meet 3.00pm DAILY
Ends at the corner of Market Rd/ Cornwall Park Ave to school.
Cornwall Park Ave, Wapiti Rd, Wheturangi Rd WSB is a new growing WSB, we are looking for new members! If you are interested please fill out the registration form.
Click here to access the Registration Form.
ROUTES: Download Routes PDF