To guide student attitudes and behaviour, the school has six dispositional character traits that are compatible with our values. We believe understanding and developing these dispositions helps bring out the best from both students and staff every day.
They encourage us to see ourselves as lifelong learners who try new things, keep going when it’s hard, recognise when to ask for help, use mistakes as learning opportunities, and understand the importance of good support networks.
By building our dispositional capacity we can be more successful in a world, which is constantly changing. We feel by having a growth mind-set all children can be successful in their own right and make progress along their own learning journey while at Cornwall Park District School.
Each child receives a ‘Disposition Passport’, which recognises students who are demonstrating our dispositions both inside and outside of the classroom. Please celebrate with your child if they receive a sticker or award for successfully demonstrating these dispositions.
Helping at Home
Like the school’s values these learning dispositions are also relevant at home, so we would ask that you promote these attitudes when supporting your child with their home learning. Please talk to your child when learning at home and relate the dispositions to weekend and evening activities.

I am a flexible learner when I..
- work by myself and in groups to learn
- respect and accept other people’s ideas even when they may be different from my own
- remain positive even when things around me may change
- am open to doing things differently

I am a connected learner when I..
- work and play with others positively demonstrate our school values
- value the traditions of our school, different cultures and the environment
- value others ideas and efforts
- talk about what I have learnt and what my next step is
- ask thoughtful questions to learn more
- learn with and share my learning with my class, family, school community and the wider world
- share my ideas in many different ways including using different technologies

I am a self-managing learner when I..
- think of different ways of solving problems rather than getting others to solve them for me
- set goals and then work hard to achieve them
- have strategies to manage my behaviour
- keep trying when things are difficult
- take responsibility for how I work and behave
- know what I am good at and use this to build in other areas
- am proud of what I achieve

I am a reflective learner when I..
- attempt to solve problems independently
- think and talk about how I can improve my work
- accept feedback positively from others
- realise mistakes help me learn
- talk about problems I may be facing
- ask thoughtful questions to understand more
- ask for help

I am a creative learner when I..
- show my ideas in different and unique ways
- take risks in my learning and explore new ways of doing things
- offer original ideas
- embrace learning and want to try new things
- am able to look at things in a different way

I am a curious learner when I..
- ask questions and try to find answers
- show an interest in learning about the world around me
- ask questions that extend my knowledge and understanding
- explore, investigate and make meaning
Our school values reflect how we treat each other every day.
Helping others, wanting to help, sacrificing for others.
Not giving up, achieving goals, staying with tasks through to completion.
Respecting others, being tolerant, including others, making an effort to understand other points of view, understanding others, celebrating difference.
Making great choices, being honest, doing what you said you would, being trustworthy.
The original school motto of Honour not Honours is still celebrated and is now paired with Whakapau kaha – to be better than before. It is a philosophy that encourages continuous individual improvement. A reminder that every day presents an opportunity to try something different and make today better than yesterday.