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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

为了满足爱好学习书γ画者的要求,中国女子书画会驻新西兰分会会长亲自免费开展学习切磋教程。 招生范围: 1.年龄在6周岁以上的学生。 2.爱好画画者年龄不限。 可以面对面授课免费6至8节课时,每课时一小时。

意愿者可预约联系人周先生: 电话号码:021689812

详细地址:10 Carriage Close, Northpark,Auckland, 2013,New Zealand

Good news:
In order to meet the requirements of those who love to learn calligraphy and painting, the president of the New Zealand branch of the Chinese Women’s Calligraphy and Painting Association personally conducts free learning and competition tutorials.

Enrollment : 1. Students aged 6 years and above. 2. There is no age limit for those who love painting.  Face-to-face classes are available for free, with 6 to 8 classes of one hour each.

First semester: Classes will be held from June to August 2024.  Those who wish to make an appointment can contact Mr. Zhou: Phone number: 021689812

Address: 10 Carriage Close, Northpark, Auckland, 2013, New Zealand

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