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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

Thanks for all the cooperation yesterday in the ‘Tennis Club’ carpark, as it flowed really well.  Following up my message earlier in the week, I just wanted to remind parents that:

As the school does not own the carpark, school staff have no requirement to be on duty in that area at all.  The reason we choose to have staff present each afternoon, is to try and encourage drivers to do the right thing to ensure our children are kept as safe as we can, as this is extremely important to us.  However, staff do not hold the power to enforce anything, as it is a private car park owned by the Cornwall Park Trust Board. This ownership means they have the power at any time, to close the carpark to our parents.

As we try hard to look after our neighbours,  I ask you to please abide by legal parking requirements when dropping off and picking up children or parking in our surrounding streets.

Kind regards




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