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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

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A few reminders to ensure our children stay safe before and after school:-

  1. Only Y6 children can ride to and from school (if they have completed the bike safety course), unless they are accompanied by a parent.
  2. If children are riding a scooter they MUST be wearing a helmet.
  3. Children need to leave school promptly after the 3pm bell. If they are waiting at school to be picked up they need to be waiting outside the office from 3.15pm onwards.
  4. Children should walk to and from school in pairs or small groups. Please reinforce with your children that if at anytime they feel unsafe to tell you or a teacher at school so we can follow up.
  5. Please ring the Police and let the school know if you are concerned about any suspicious behaviour or potential danger to our students.
  6. Reinforce the correct places to cross before and after school e.g the pedestrian crossing, and the supervised lights.
  7. Please do NOT call your child(ren) across the carpark.
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