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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I am concerned with how some of our children have come to school today, showing some level of anxiety regarding COVID-19 and some are sharing information that is not factual. The government has clearly stated that there is low risk of any spread into the community from this case, and that New Zealand does not have COVID-19 circulating in our communities.  Since before school started this year, our school has closely followed advice of the Ministry of Education and will continue to do so, as the situation evolves.

However, school needs to be a place where children feel safe and therefore I believe it is important that as adults we have a responsibility to continue to project a calm and measured approach regarding this situation with our children.  Be assured that our teachers will be reinforcing (as they do every year) the importance of practising good hand washing and sneeze/cough hygiene: i.e

  • washing your hands often with soap and water before and after eating as well as after attending the toilet
  • cover coughs and sneezes with clean tissues
  • put used tissues in the bin

By doing this children have less chance of spreading germs of any kind which is in all our interests and like every year, for common sense purposes, I encourage anyone to stay home, if unwell for any reason.

If you are particularly concerned that someone is showing symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath, encourage them to first ring Healthline (0800 358 5453) or contact their GP by phoning ahead of their visit to explain symptoms and travel history.

Please take care of yourself, your whanau and our community through these measures, and please be assured that the school will respond appropriately and quickly if instructed by the Ministry; however, we will not be buying into the hype around the virus that we saw occur in Auckland, during the weekend.

Kind regards




我担心我们的孩子们今天来上学时的反应,他们表现出对 COVID-19 的某种程度的焦虑,还有些孩子们讨论并分享不包含任何真相的信息。政府已明确表示,这个确诊病例传播到社区的风险很小,而且在新西兰,COVID-19 并没有在社区中传播。从开学前开始,我们学校就一直遵循教育部的指示,并且会随着情况的发展而改变,但是保持一贯主张,遵循教育部的指示。

然而,学校必须是让儿童感到安全的地方,因此,我认为重要的是,作为成年人,我们有责任继续对我们的孩子们采取一种冷静而审慎的态度。请您放心,我们的老师们( 他们每年都是一样的 )将加强宣導良好的洗手和打喷嚏/咳嗽的卫生习惯及其重要性:

  • 在饭前,饭后,上厕所后要用肥皂和水洗手
  • 用干净的纸巾掩盖咳嗽和打喷嚏
  • 将用过的纸巾放进垃圾桶


如果您特别担心某人表现出发烧,咳嗽或呼吸急促的症状,请鼓励他们先打电话给 Healthline(0800 358 5453)或者在见家医之前先打电话给家医,解释症状和说明旅行史。




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