As we approach Term 3, I have a few staff updates to make. Recently the…

What an event. 12 speakers sat nervously waiting their turn.
We had 2 amazing judges who commented that the quality of speeches were extremely high.
Speakers had a choice of topic to write on … an informative or persuasive piece.
But we could only have one winner and that was Ben Coles from Room 27 speaking on Why you shouldn’t do exercise? Ben used humour to win the audience over.
In second place was Lily Alcock from Room 28 speaking on Failure and Dorothy Anderson also from Room 28 speaking on Vegetarianism.
Ben will now go to 2 outside speech events to represent the school.
One on the 13th September at Speech Cluster APPA speech competition at St Kentigerns girls school and Lions Speech competition on the 18th September.
We wish Ben all the best at these events.