As we approach Term 3, I have a few staff updates to make. Recently the…
As last week was ‘Road Safety’ week, we ran a poster competition across the school to get students thinking more about road safety and best practices to keep themselves safe. We were overwhelmed with the number of posters received as well as the quality and effort of work that children had put into them.
However, winners needed to be found, with ten posters finally chosen. Theses students received a selection of stationary and gifts as prizes, courtesy of Auckland Transport. Everyone who entered also received house points. The winning posters are now proudly displayed in the cabinet by the library for all to view.
Jessica W, Natalie G and Thomas -Room 7
Kane , Calem and Oliver -Room 27
Riley L- Room 10
Sascha and Ines -Room 6
Olive, Emily S, Leo P and Cayden T -Room 5
Oliver Y- and Ryan T- Room 3

Thank you to all tose who entered this competition and congratulations to all the winners listed above. A special thanks to Ms Vicki Brooke for organising this competition for the children.