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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

I hope all of your children managed to have a lovely break over the past two weeks.

I would like to begin by thanking all parents and caregivers for your wonderful support of the Level 2.5 systems we had in place for the later part of last term and I am sure you all share my relief on hearing that Auckland has once again managed to achieve Level 1 status, which will make things a lot easier when we return to school on Monday.  We will be changing some aspects of the procedures we had in place particularly regarding entry and exit, with all adults being able to enter and exit the school freely between 8.15am to 9am and also again from 2.45pm- 3.15pm, without having to sign in and out. We will continue to have the Official ‘COVID-19 Sign In QR Code’ on display by each entry for you to scan. We will also continue to provide hand sanitiser by the entry points of the school and all children will be asked to use these as they enter each morning.  Staff will also continue to reinforce good hygiene standards with our children.

We need to continue to insist that all children who are not well are kept at home.  We also ask for your ongoing support by asking you to collect sick children promptly if rung by one of our Office Angels. This is particularly important this term, as we are operating a temporary sickbay and Office in Room 18 while our Admin block is being remodeled. 

Due to this building work, you will also see some extra worksite fencing in place at the top of the stairs leading up from the staff carpark, but be assured you will still be able to continue to use the stairs as access to different parts of the school throughout this project. There is also a fenced section on the driveway behind Room 12 (by the tennis court carpark). 

On a final note, Term 4 looks to be an exciting term, especially with the schoolwide ‘Dance’ happening soon after we return (a specific notice will come out early next week regarding this).  One thing I am sure of is that this term will pass extremely quickly and I definitely have all my fingers and toes crossed that we manage to spend all of the term at school without any further COVID interruptions. 

I am looking forward to seeing all your children back on Monday.  Until then have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards






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