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School Leavers – notice re Kindo shop account
If your family is leaving our school and and moving to another school that does not use Kindo or ezlunch for school payments, you need to close your account. (Do not close your account if you have additional children attending or about to attend CPDS).

If you’re not sure if the new school uses Kindo, log in, go to My Details and click on the list of schools, scrolling to find your new school.

If your new school is NOT on the list, you will need to close your account. Send an email to requesting to close your account. This request will need to:

  1. Be emailed from your mykindo account email address
  2. State the current balance on the account
  3. Provide the bank account number for refunding the balance (or ask for it to be forwarded to the school

Account closures will be actioned by Kindo during January/February.

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