As we approach Term 3, I have a few staff updates to make. Recently the…

Last Thursday, Paul Campbell took a group of twelve table tennis players to the Auckland Primary School Table Tennis Competition in Newmarket. It was lots of fun with each child playing ten other children in their pool, before the best players went on to the knockout stages.
There were other fun games including serving the table tennis ball onto a table full of lollies, if you hit one you won it!
It was a very high level of competition and a big congratulations goes to Sissi C, who made it into the knockout stage of the competition.
The boys and girls finals were of an extremely high standard with the boys final going to the New Zealand Under 11 champion who goes to Epsom Normal Primary School.
Thanks to the parents who helped with transport and who came to support the team. Thanks also to Mrs Morrow and Mrs Austin for organising the school team again this year.