As we approach Term 3, I have a few staff updates to make. Recently the…

On Sunday, we had a number of children taking part in the Heart Foundation 5Km Challenge and the Kids Marathon of 2Km. I would like to especially acknowledge the following children who were well placed in the 5km event, out of a field of 1008 runners.
Alex came in at 49th, Oscar 54th, Adam 56th, Connor 88th and Max 135th.
Very impressive! In addition to that we had Coen take out the kid’s marathon, and Dotty was our first girl coming in at 31 and 10th female overall. Marlon also needs a mention coming in 35th. Well done to all of you above as well as all the children who did an amazing job of representing our school at this event.
Finally I would like to give a huge thank you to Francesca Rudkin for organising this event for our children.