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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.


  Even though I had the biggest water pistol -it didn't help when I was…

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Generous Donation and Leader Project

I would like to thank Harry S, for the very generous donation he and his…

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2019 Class Organisation

Please see below for class organisation for 2019.  Your children visited their new class at…

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Blues Ceremony and Y6 Graduation

On Thursday at 9.30am, we will holding our final Blues Assembly for the year and…

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Flag Day Apology

The Leadership Team, would like to apologise for not communicating to our community prior to…

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Flag Day- Change of Date

Change of Date-Flag Day /Prize Giving Ceremony Now-Friday 7th December 2:15pm - 4:00pm   Due to the…

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Flag Day Information 2018

 Flag Day /Prize Giving Ceremony Tuesday 4th December 2:15pm - 4:00pm   Flag Day/Prize Giving Ceremony is a…

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The CPDS Dragons

This term, we have had a Year 3 and 4 Basketball Team called the 'Dragons',…

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Athletic Zone Success

Well done to our Y5 and 6 children who attended the Remuera Athletic Zones, at…

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Beach Education as a Motivation

Upon a beach… I hear rocks skimming over water with swift speed. I feel the…

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Open Afternoon and Parent Discussions

Open Day Yesterday, Kowhai Team had an open afternoon, where families were invited to come…

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Being Creative Learners in Room 22

I was very lucky to be invited to Room 22 on Friday last week, to…

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Two Names to Watch For

We have had two of our children achieve amazing results recently. Xin-Xin Rm 28, was…

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Christmas Cheer for Others

Each year, Cornwall Park District School ask our families to help support those children and…

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‘Self-Managing’ New Entrants

In Room 19 today, I came across some very 'self-managing' learners completing their 'Must Do/Can…

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Aria Park Performance

Our Y3/4 Choir and Junior Ukulele Group performed at Aria Park Retirement Village, on Wednesday. …

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Please Respect our Neighbours

Parking I am aware that dropping off and picking up children can be a very…

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Diwali Celebration

On Friday, we all celebrated another wonderful Diwali celebration.  During the day, children across the…

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Kapa Haka Performance at Mt Albert Cultural Festival

Both of our Kapa Haka groups; Nga Pihi and Totara-i-ahua performed beautifully at the recent…

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APPA Music Festival

Our Year 6 Choir and Ensemble group performed at the Town Hall on Wednesday night,…

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EPro8 Challenge

Last week, Max, Spencer, Antonio, Rory, Tim and Angelo from R28 and Maskill from R27 …

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‘Kids for Kids’ Show

  Last night, I went to see our Year 5 Choir perform at the 'Kids…

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Table Tennis Competition

Last Thursday, Paul Campbell  took a group of twelve table tennis players to the Auckland…

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Well done to our Y6 Performers

It was the final performance of the 2018 Year 6 Production 'Kidsummer Night's Dream' last…

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Recent Marathon

I want the children who took part in the marathon on Sunday 28 October, to…

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Y6 Production- A Kidsummer Night’s Dream

We have our Year 6 production performances this Wednesday and Thursday night- in our hall…

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Upcoming Events

Term Two School Holidays

Week 1

Week 2

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