Protecting Privacy
Dear Parents and Caregivers, I am aware that social media for many of us, is…
Staff Updates for Term 3
I am extremely pleased to announce that we have been successful in securing the three…
Competitive Sports Games for 12 June- Year 5/6 Tuesday Sports
We have confirmed the following competitive games for next Tuesday. All games start at 1.30…
Latou Foliga Manaia
Here is Miss Robertson supporting a couple of our boys (Cooper and Mac) who also…
Malō soifua
This week, the school has been celebrating 'Samoan Week' with many classes learning basic greetings…
Delightful Days at Camp
Pigeons gazed with black, beady eyes. Flamboyant peacocks strutted proudly. Innocent quails sniffing curiously for…
BOT Newsletter – May 2018
Reminder Teacher Only Day/ Queen’s Birthday -School Closed
Teacher Only Day/Queen's Birthday Weekend - School Closed – Friday 1 June and Monday 4…
Dear Parents The Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday 29th May and Wednesday 30…
Staff Leaving us at the End of the Term
I know when you employ good people their skills are going to be sought after…
Some Powerful Writing
CHOCOLATE SUPREME A torrent of gooey goodness pierced the sweet chocolate shell An overwhelming…
Well done to a Multi-Talented Young Lady
During the recent holidays Xin-Xin Rm 28, competed in the 2018 Tennis Auckland -Autumn Junior…
School Discussions Tomorrow, you will be receiving a progress report for child (with the exception…
A New Beginning
After the meeting last week, it has been decided that while the school is extremely…
Reminder-‘PTA Brainstorming’ session TONIGHT
As with all groups, occassionally they need to be reinvented in order to become…
Y5/6 Triathlon Results
It has been a busy couple of weeks, however, finally I am in a position…
Receiving Important School Messages
I thought it was timely after the aftermath of the storm earlier in the week…
Best News Ever- Fair Income Goes Up
Yesterday, we discovered that some of our eftpos transactions had been recorded incorrectly which has…
2018 House Captains
Today, we announced our successful house captains. The children nominated were all of a very…
A Huge Thank You from Viv Quan
Before Vivian Quan wanted to say a huge thank you to the community at CPDS…
Easter Ice Skating
Today, children from Totara Team had a go at ice skating. From these photos it…
School Donation
Thank you to those of you who have already chosen to contribute the school donation;…
PTA Meeting Minutes 8 March 2018
Please click here for the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2018. The…