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Tena koutou katoa
The Board met on Tuesday 4th of September.
Of particular interest in the July meeting was the update from Mr Naidu on the student led conferences that have just concluded, the feedback from these was excellent.
The board then reviewed the student achievement reporting along with the Principals report.
We have requested that the management team move to further refine their student reportings moving forward to ensure we capture deeper insights to help us make the best decisions on assistance where it is needed the most.
Mr Naidu updated the board around an Innovation Summit that he recently attended and we had an update from the finance committee around the continued development occurring and planned for the new space under room 28. The board will share communication later in the month with the school community asking for your input around some proposed plans.
The community committee updated the board on the ongoing structure of the fair. To help support our understanding and any required process to maintain this wonderful event, we will be meeting with the previous convenor of the fair, Craig Anderson, at our next board meeting. We will update the school community following this asking for your support.
Work has now been completed on the large Pohutukawa trees around the school and improvements to the traffic management of the main road has been implemented via the management team to automate warning lights on the main road, previously that required manual control.
Consultation for the appointment of two new trustees via election has now closed.
We received five requests to hold a bi-election, but are required by the Ministry of Education to have ten per cent response from the parent community.
The personnel committee of the board will be working on a selection process of two new trustees over the coming weeks. This process was agreed by the board to provide the least impact to the school community both in cost and potential distraction from our focus on student achievement late in the year,
Thank you very much to those parents who have already expressed interest in applying, by all means if you have not already expressed your interest and would like to apply please do so via jgalloway@cpds.school.nz
As always, we welcome your input and feedback.
Warm regards
Cornwall Park District School Board of Trustees
Chair: Jamie Galloway – jgalloway@cpds.school.nz
Treasurer: Sarah Sutcliffe – ssutcliffe@cpds.school.nz
Nicki Taylor – ntaylor@cpds.school.nz
Gowan Duff – gduff@cpds.school.nz
Carmen Burns (Acting staff delegate) – cburns@cpds.school.nz
Shanthan Naidu (Acting Principal) – snaidu@cpds.school.nz
2018年9月 董事会通讯
7月份会议中,我们对于 Naidu 先生对刚刚结束的学生主导的会议报告特别感兴趣,这些学生主导的会议的反馈非常好。
Naidu 先生向学校报告了他最近参加的创新峰会。我们从财务委员会获得了有关持续发展的报告,并着手计划在28号房间下面的新空间。董事会将在本月晚些时候与学校社区分享沟通此计划并且询问您对一些拟议计划的意见。
社区委员会向董事会报告了校集会的运作结构。为了帮助我们加深理解以及维持这一精彩活动所需的任何过程,我们将在下一次董事会会议上与之前的校集会召集人 Craig Anderson 会面。之后我们将报告给学校社区,并且请求您的继续支持。
学校周围的大型 Pohutukawa 树现已修剪完工,主要道路的交通管理已经通过管理团队实施,以实现主要道路上的警示灯自动化,以前这些都是需要手动控制。
非常感谢已经表示有兴趣申请此职位的家长们,如果您还没有表达过您对此职位的兴趣并希望申请,请通过jgalloway@cpds.school.nz 进行申请。
Cornwall Park 小学董事会
主席:Jamie Galloway – jgalloway@cpds.school.nz
财务主管:Sarah Sutcliffe – ssutcliffe@cpds.school.nz
Nicki Taylor – ntaylor@cpds.school.nz
Gowan Duff – gduff@cpds.school.nz
Carmen Burns(代理人员代表) – cburns@cpds.school.nz
Shanthan Naidu(代理校长) – snaidu@cpds.school.nz