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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

It has been a great week back at school, especially being at level one.  It is important as we move through this term, that we keep all our children safe as well as setting good examples to all children. So please:

  • accompany children across the carpark instead of calling them across in the afternoons, or sending them across the carpark in the morning
  • ensure you park out of the flow of traffic on side streets before allowing children to exit your cars. The only exemption of this is when you are dropping children off by the school gate inside the tennis car park, in the morning.  Please never let children exit your car when you are on Green Lane West (outside the car park)
  • use the pedestrian crossing on Wheturangi Rd
  • ensure children always use the patrolled crossings when not with an adult
  • ensure children and parents do not walk across the staff carpark by the courts

By following these simple steps I hope we can keep all our children safe.

Kind regards
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