PTA Meeting Thursday 7.30pm
Just a quick email to remind you all of the PTA meeting this Thursday, 10 August at 7.30pm in the staffroom.
Newsletter – Principals update
Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you and your children managed to have a great break even though the weather wasn't brilliant for the two weeks.
Preparing students for the 21st Century
This short 4 1/2 min video provides a small insight into why at CPDS we…
Fixed V Growth Mindset
Some people believe that your intellect is set while other believe intellect can grow. Watch…
CPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter – 12 June 2017
CPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter - 12 June 2017
CPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter – 17 May 2017
CPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter - 17 May 2017
CPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter – 16 March 2017
CPDS Board of Trustees Newsletter - 16 March 2017