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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

I am sure we were all extremely pleased with the anouncement from the Prime Minister today, that the country will be moving to Level One, tomorrow.  Because of this, here are the changes to our drop off and pick up processes as promised.

From tomorrow:-

Drop off

The gates will open at 8.15am each morning. The hand sanitisers will still be available at all entry points into the school.  Children are expected to wait in the alleyway between the library and office until 8.30am when the bell rings to signal that classrooms are able to be entered, and that we have a teacher on playground duty.

N.B. There are a couple of different options available for ‘Before School Care’ on our school website for any children who need to be looked after, before the gates open at 8.15am.

Parents and other adults entering our school grounds are able to continue to use our school sign in app if they wish (NB: this will not allow you to keep these records on your phone) or you can choose to use the official COVID-19 tracking QR code that will be displayed at all the entrances to our school, by tomorrow morning.  If you use this QR code you will be able to keep an ongoing diary of your movements on your phone.

Please make sure your children are at school by 8.55am, which is when the school bell rings to start the school day.  The gates will be locked by 9.10am.  After this time, the office will need to be contacted for entry and exit.  For health and safety reasons any adults still in the school grounds after 9.10am will need to sign in and out at the school office, as was our standard practice before lockdown.

Pick up

We will be unlocking the gates in the afternoon at 2.45pm, for parents to enter ready for pick up at 3pm.  No children will be released earlier than 3pm unless there is an important reason e.g. doctors appointment, and if this is the case you will need to sign your child out at the office and use the orange card system.

We will be locking the school gates again at 3.20pm.  For health and safety reasons playgrounds are not available for use after school for any children regardless of whether they are with parents or not, as the school does not provide supervision after school, and it is natural for children to be drawn to the playgrounds when they see others using them.

N.B. There are a couple of different options available for ‘After School Care’ on our school website for any children who need to be looked after 3.20pm.

Thank you for your co-operation in keeping our children safe.

Kind regards
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