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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

Today brings us to the end of the 2019 Camp season, with all of our 8, Year 5 / 6 classes attending camp.  Recent feedback from families Year 3 and up clearly showed how our community continue to value these outdoor experiences that allow many of our children to be pushed out of their comfort zones.  The children have come back tired but also have been buzzing with the fun they had and I am sure the same will be said of the group who return later today.  The commitment families have to ensure we continue to provide camps has also be evident with the level of contributions received this year.

Camps involve a lot of organisation and I would like to thank Colleen Morrow for taking a lead with this, as well as the rest of the Year 5/6 teachers and Teacher Aides (Jane, Carmen, Anne, Kelsi, Erin H, Adele, Andrew, and Julia), who have ensured our children maximised their opportunities while away from school. I would also like to thank all the parent helpers who transported children as well as the parents who stayed over during the camp duration.   We could not do it without all your amazing support.

Below are a few photos showing a bit of camp life!



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