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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

Creating a school environment in which all members; children, parents and staff feel heard, valued and respected is important to me. I joined the board in 2022 and want to ensure that the School’s focus and direction always has the child at the heart of decisions. After 19 years in education both as a classroom teacher and in management roles, in Government based and the Independent sector, I have a deep understanding of all aspects of schools including issues that are faced on a daily basis. Over the years I have become increasingly interested in the governance side of education and hope to make a difference in the overall success and operations of CPDS. My passion and experience as an educator, my involvement in management and my desire to ensure the best, for not only my own children – but all children, will drive me to guide, challenge, probe and ensure policies and operations within the School are “better than before.”

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