Cornwall Park District School is fully online with internet access being available to every class in the School via our computer network. Considerable planning has gone into this, including the drafting of policies, incident protocols and agreements.
The Cybersafety and Learning Blogs Student Permission and Digital Citizenship Agreement for junior (Years 0-3) students, which needs to be signed and discussed with your child before they will be permitted to go on the Internet. A second Digital Citizenship Agreement for seniors (Years 4-6) will need to be signed as introduces the students to Google Apps for Education (GAFE).
In accordance with these documents and in line with what we are trying to achieve in terms of computer literacy, teachers will train children in the safest ways to locate information and make use of this valuable resource. The school system will be filtered by a filtering service but as no filtering service is guaranteed to protect against all unsuitable material, access by students will only be permitted under supervision.
The school has two Internet Safety Officers, these are the Associate Principals. Should you have any queries please contact them through the office.