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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

On Wednesday, we had a special visitor from Auckland Transport come to help promote walking to and from school.

This definitely grabbed the interest of many children and now we need set to re-establish our previously successful  ‘Walking School Bus’ routes.   The Walking School Bus is a group of students that walk home from school together, with parent supervision along a set route.  Parents are rostered on to walk with the students who are handed over to their parents at designated bus stop points along thed route. We have had three routes that we have used in the past and they vary from a 5 minute to 15 minutes walk from the school gate.

There are many benefits to a Walking School Bus:


It’s a fun, social and healthy way to get home from school

Learn about Road Safety


Less congestion at the school gate 


Families get to know other families in the area

Drivers are more aware of children walking 

Fewer cars on the road at peak time

To help us with re-establish these routes, Auckland Transport will be holding a ‘Parents Interest’ meeting on Wednesday 12th August at 09.00 am, in the school hall, to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday and getting our CPDS Walking School Bus up and running. 

On behalf of Vicki Brooke (Rm28)
CPDS Travelwise Coordinator



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