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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

I spent a wonderful evening at the Town Hall last night, watching our Year 6 choir perform at the 79th APPA (Auckland Primary Principals Association) Festival of Music.

Last night was the 5th night of performances and it was a chance for our children to perform as part of a massed choir consisting of twelve school from across Auckland.  During the night they got to sing fifteen songs across a range of styles and it was a wonderfully entertaining evening. I would like to make a special mention of Thomas Y, who was selected for a solo piece, as well as Maskil M,  Min Z, Hui Z, Isabella L, Jessica W and Hayden C who also performed last night as members of the APPA Festival Orchestra. This group will be performing multiple times during this festival. Children across Auckland audition for places in this orchestra, so it is a testament to the talent in our school that we had so many children chosen.  This talent was further reinforced last night with Jifei S, an ex-pupil who was playing for her sixth year in this orchestra and I was extremely proud to hear her piano playing being showcased during their set, as her main instrument while she was here, was the cello.  A very multi-talented young lady.

Next week, our Chamber Music Group are performing in a guest slot for another massed choir group, and I know they will also be a highlight on their evening.  I want to sincerely thank Linda Yu for all her hard work training this choir since the start of this year, as well as thanking all the parents and other staff members who have offered their support during various practices over this time.

It is a wonderful and special experience to be able to perform in Auckland’s Town Hall and I was extremely proud of each and every one of our children last night, as I know their parents were also.

Well done to you all!!!  Something to remember for a long time to come.

Kind regards
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