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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

Kia Ora Whānau,

On the sunny Saturday just past, Cornwall Park students from Nga Pihi and Totara-i-Ahua kapa haka groups participated in the Albert-Eden Cultural Festival at Rocket Park.  What a successful occasion. The 70 students gave it their all and produced an excellent performance. This was the first time Te Whānau o Maungakiekie and Haka Maungakiekie have beenperformed in public, and that was extremely special.  Ka pai to Kahu Y5, who led our haka with such mana. A special thank you to all the parents who helped with Ta Moko, lipstick and transport of equipment. It has been a privilege for Mrs Morris, Mr Collins, Mrs Compton and myself to work with your tamariki this year.

Ngā mihi Nui
Whaea Lisa
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