As we approach Term 3, I have a few staff updates to make. Recently the…
I thought it was timely after the aftermath of the storm earlier in the week to clarify again how the school informs parents of important events.
We believe the most effective way we can get a message out to our community is by sending an alert straight to everyone’s cellphone. If you missed the message sent out yesterday morning relating to the school being open yesterday after the storm, please check to see you have downloaded the app. If you haven’t you can find instructions by clicking here, or you are most welcome to come into the office for face to face assistance.
The email you receive every second night is just a summary of news you may have missed i.e. it may be news related to a group in the school you have not signed up for alerts yet. By sending this summary email, it allows families to have a chance to review all the main school news that has been circulated in the past 48 hours. As we move through the year we will review this practice and see if we extend this email summary out to only once a week. We will only do this if we believe we have really embedded our app and alert system with all families.