School Information for Parents and Caregivers.
Here you will find a quick index to many of our commonly asked questions.
If your child is at home unwell, is attending a doctors appointment, is arriving late or is not attending school on any given day please advise the office by reporting the absence through the Hero App.
The sick bay is located in the main office. Basic first aid will be given to your child in the event of a minor accident or illness. If asked to collect your child, you will be required to sign them out at the office.
In the case of serious accidents parents/guardian will be contacted, if we are unable to contact you we will refer to the emergency contact listed on your enrolment form. If it is an emergency the student will be taken to A&E, doctor or dentist.
Please hand all named medications and treatment instructions to the office. These will be stored in the Sick Bay and administered by office staff. For children with severe allergies and/or any serious health issues please consult the school nurse.
Assembly is held fortnightly on Fridays for the whole school. Parents of children receiving awards are invited to attend. Please note this has been modified in 2022 due to COVID. Please refer calendar for upcoming assemblies.
There are a number of providers offering before and after school care. These providers are not affiliated to Cornwall Park District School. These businesses provide a service that students of Cornwall Park District School and neighbouring schools utilise on a private usage basis. For all information and enquiries please make contact with these service providers.
Every three years ‘caregivers’, ie: parents or guardians of children attending the school, elect five representatives. Additional to these five elected members who make up the Board of Trustees, are the Principal, an elected Staff Representative and up to four other co-opted members who may be appointed by the Board of Trustees for set periods of time.
For a full set of guidelines for public attending a Board of Trustees meeting, please contact the BOT Secretary For direct contact with the BOT Chairperson please email:
If your child is marked as absent from class and the school has not been notified, for safety reasons the office staff will endeavour to contact the caregiver’s home or an alternative contact number supplied to verify your child’s absenteeism. It is therefore extremely important to notify the office should any address, email or contact numbers change at any time during the school year.
The first school bell will ring at 8.30am. The school playground is not supervised before this time so all children should sit outside the school office if arriving early. Classrooms are available for entry from 8.30am. The bell will ring at 8.55am to start class. All students should be in their classroom ready at this time.
Morning tea is from 10.30- 10.50am.
Lunch is 12.30- 1.25pm.
End of day 3.00pm.
It is our goal to establish clear and open communication lines between school and home.
We communicate with our community on a regular basis and in addition to this we urge you to contact us at any time should you have any concerns, no matter how big or small, as it is easier to deal with a minor issue before it becomes a bigger problem. Some things can be fixed by a quick talk with the teacher, before or after school, however, sometimes a longer meeting may be required and these can be arranged at a mutually convenient time, either by face to face or by email. All details can be found on the staff page.
For further information on School/Home Partnership click here
All enquiries should be directed to the School Administration Office in the first instance:
Phone: +64 9 524 6574
Email: or
Cornwall Park District School has ultra fast access in every class via our computer network. Considerable planning has gone into this, including the drafting of policies, incident protocols and agreements. The Cybersafety and Learning Blogs Student Permission and Digital Citizenship Agreement for junior (Years 0-3) students, needs to be signed (at Enrolment) and discussed with your child before they will be permitted to go on the Internet.
In accordance with these documents and in line with what we are trying to achieve in terms of e-learning, teachers will train children in the safest ways to locate information and make use of this valuable resource.
The school system will be filtered by a filtering service, but as no filtering service is guaranteed to protect against all unsuitable material, the school has the right to monitor, access and review all use. This includes personal emails sent and received on the schools computer/s and/or network facilities at all times.
The safety of children is of paramount concern. Any apparent breach of cybersafety will be taken seriously.
Issues relating to confidentiality, such as sighting student or staff information, reasons for collecting data and the secure storage of personal details and information (including images) will be subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993.
The school has two internet safety officers, these are the associate principals. Should you have any queries please contact them through the office.
Find out more on our Cybersafety page
Year 6 children are encouraged to ride to school. They MUST wear a correctly fitted helmet and complete the Bike Safety Programme run by the police before being able to ride. Children younger than Year 6 may ride if accompanied by an adult. Students need to walk their bikes once in the school grounds. Bikes need to be stored in the bike racks provided whenever possible. Students are expected to supply their own bike locks.
Our learning dispositions are characteristics or attitudes to learning that are life skills. They are closely aligned with the school values.
It is the parents responsibility to enrol their child in Public Dental Service – Phone 839 0565
All students who live within the home zone described on the enrolment page shall be entitled to enroll at the school. Enrolment forms are available from the school office. Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.
Available Monday to Friday
Order your favourite café style lunch!
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: Choose warm and cold mains, ‘design your own’ (sandwich and rolls), snacks, and desserts from DailyLunch & Catering, while supporting our school.
Wednesday: Choose sub style rolls or wraps supplied by Subway.
All orders are placed through our Kindo Shop by clicking here! Simple and easy! You can order (or cancel) by 9am on the day of delivery or schedule in advance. Your lunch will be delivered to the school in time for lunch.
ezlunch orders are made online through your myKindo account. One account for the whole family! Veiw Menu clicking here!
Getting headlice has nothing to do with cleanliness; in fact, lice prefer a clean, healthy head to a dirty one. Anyone, adult or child can get headlice.
We suggest the following treatments; Fine tooth comb (nit.flea comb) available from the chemist or vet. Do this every three days for at least three weeks to comb out the lice. Headlice shampoo; Very effective treatment shampoos are available from the supermarkets and/or chemist. See Follow all instructions meticulously.
If you would like more information please contact: Heather Cave, Public Health Nurse, Ph 639 0200 Extn 27475#
Auckland District Health Board provides a free screening programme for children. This programme is operated by Vision Hearing Technicians, from the Community Child Health & Disability Service, who visit the school. As a new entrant to school your child will have their hearing and distance vision screened. You will be informed of all results and any problems found so that you can get treatment for your child.
At Cornwall Park District School we believe homework should supplement classroom learning and provides a chance for teachers an opportunity to establish positive links with the home. Homework is not compulsory and no child will ever be punished for not completing homework.
The general guideline is NO more than 30 minutes a day on homework assuming the child is “on task” for that time. Homework generally comprises of reading, practising basic facts and learning spelling words.
Homework may also involve revising a known skill, follow-up of the day’s lessons, or a research type activity.
Teachers can also give homework to extend children with an added challenge. If you feel homework set does not follow these guidelines please let us know.
Cornwall Park District School is a multi-cultural school that values diversity. We invite international families to find out more information click here.
For more information please go to
All children must be signed out at the office by a parent/guardian. If you wish the child to be collected by a friend or family member this must be arranged beforehand with the office staff. ID will be required.
All pupils visit the library once a week with their class, where they might enjoy a book being read out loud, browse the shelves, take out books or just curl up in a corner and read.
The library is open before school, at morning tea and lunchtime. On Tuesdays we have lunchtime drawing activities and on Thursdays at lunchtime they can play board games.
Library Monitors (Year 6 students) are here at these times to help younger pupils find their way around, and help with issuing and returning books.
Years 0 – 2 can take out up to 2 books, Years 3 – 4 up to 3 books and Years 5 – 6 up to 5 books at a time. Books are issued for two weeks but we encourage children to keep returning and taking home new books every week, once they have read them.
Parents are welcome to join up and borrow books to share with children at home.
Children can login by clicking the button below to look for books, reserve, check their loans and visit educational websites.
To ensure that your child’s school uniform is not lost it is vital that ALL SCHOOL UNIFORM ITEMS BE CLEARLY NAMED with your child’s full name.
All lost uniform items, shoes, lunchboxes, drink bottles etc found are transferred to the Lost Property Shed at the back of the junior classroom block (behind Room 10). This lost property may be inspected at any time during the school day.
A drink should accompany your child each day to school with adequate food to drink during morning tea time and lunchtime. If your child lets a teacher know that they do not have lunch, the child will be bought to the office, and we will attempt to contact parents.
We communicate with our community on a regular basis and you are most welcome to contact us at any time should you have concerns. Before and after school are busy times in the classroom therefore if you wish discuss your child’s progress and any problems with your child’s teacher please make an appointment directly with the teacher at a mutually convenient time. All teachers are happy to correspond by e-mail their email address can be found on the staff page.
If you would like your child to bring their mobile phone, please note that mobile phones are not permitted in class and unfortunatley we can hold no responsibility if the phone is lost. The mobile phones must be handed in to the school office at the beginning of the school day and can be collected at
Cornwall Park School is fortunate to have the expertise of experienced Music Specialists available for Instrumental Lessons on a user pays basis for students from Year 3 to 6. Lessons take place during class time in small groups with pupils taken out of class at a time that minimises disruption to both teacher and pupil.
For further information view our Itinerant Music page
If you would like to help in our classrooms it would be much appreciated, however, it is important that all new helpers complete a ‘Parent help’ orientation session before working with children, so we all have a shared understanding of what is involved. More information relating to these sessions can be found on the calendar.
There are two main entrances for the school. One from Wheturangi Road and the other through the Campbell Park Tennis Club carpark off Green Lane West. The Wheturangi Road entrance does not have vehicle access during the day. There is limited parking around the school. Caution should be taken at the beginning and end of school as these are peak times.
The Pastoral Care programme is managed by Dawn Wood, these include Special Learning, ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) and Gifted and Talented programmes.
If you have any concerns about your child or family situation do not hesitate to contact Dawn Wood through the office or by email.
At Cornwall Park District School there are many opportunities to learn more about and enjoy physical education.
Mr Paul Campbell is our PE Specialist. He offers weekly class lessons for every class, where children develop physical skills as well as having numerous opportunities for them to apply these in game situations.
Find out more information here
PhotoWonder take classroom and individual photographs are taken every year which are available for purchase.
In your enrolment form there is a question regarding the consent for your child’s first name, photo or work to appear in the school newsletter, school publications, or on the school’s website.
Cornwall Park District School offers the Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP) to all New Entrant/ Year 1 children in Terms 2 and 3 each year. PMP is a step by step programme that repeats a series of physical and sensory activities, developing gross and fine motor skills resulting in these perceptions and motor reactions becoming more automatic on the return to the classroom. This allows the brain to be able to free itself up to concentrate on higher thinking tasks optimising learning opportunities.
Getting to Know your Child – Beginning of the Year
Parents are invited to fill in a quick information page about their child and then to make a time to meet the teacher on our ‘Getting to Know your child’ sessions held after school one evening in Week 2 of Term 1. This gives the opportunity for the teacher to understand your child’s strengths and passions more as well as look at any areas of particular focus you as parents may have for your child(ren)
The school uses HERO (a school app) for reporting to parents in real time. You will introduced to this on enrolment. This app allows us to communicate with you at a class and admin level, as well as reporting your child’s progress in real time during the year.
School donations collected annually help ensure that Cornwall Park District School continues to provide the best resources for our children’s learning, providing specialist teachers in music and physical education, a modern e-Learning environment, high quality ESOL and gifted and talented programmes.
The school donation is set annually by the Board of Trustees.
View our Donations & Payments page for further information
Rules for our playground
- Speak politely to each other.
- Share and respect school equipment.
- Play in the correct places.
- Play peacefully and safely.
- Respect the school environment.
Rules for the classroom environment
Each room decides its own rules, and displays them in the classroom.
Principal – Janine Irvine
Deputy Principal – Dawn Wood
Supplies of all student stationery will be sold through Onehunga Books & Stationery
Visit the Onehunga Books & Stationery store from mid January, state the year level your child will be in, and the complete pack will be handed to you for payment. Onehunga Books & Stationery is open 7 days a week only at the address below excluding some statutory holidays.
Onehunga Books and Stationery
175A Onehunga Mall
Auckland 1060
In line with the school shade policy, hats must be worn to and from school and at all times when outside during Terms 1 and 4. The school hats are designed with a broad brim for maximum face, neck and ear protection from the sun. Should your child be found not wearing their hat during morning tea time and lunch time, they will be asked to sit under the shade cover outside Room 22 (under the school staffroom).
Dates for Diaries
Term 1 2025
Tuesday 3 February to Friday 11th April 2025
Monday | 27 January | Anniversary Day (school closed) |
Tuesday-Wednesday | 28- 29 January | Teacher Only Days (school closed) |
Thursday | 30 January | Getting to Know Your Child (Interviews with parents) |
Monday | 3 February | Term 1 Starts |
Thursday | 6 February | Waitangi Day (school closed) |
Friday | 11 April | Last Day of Term 1 (school holidays start) |
Friday | 18 April | Good Friday (during school holidays) |
Monday- Tuesday | 21-22 April | Easter Monday-Tuesday (during school holidays) |
Friday | 25 April | Anzac Day (during school holidays) |
Term 2 2025
Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June 2025
Monday | 28 April | Term 2 Starts |
Friday | 30 May | Teacher Only Day (school closed) |
Monday | 2 June | King’s Birthday (school closed) |
Friday | 20 June | Matariki (school closed) |
Friday | 27 June | Last Day of Term 2 (school holidays start) |
Term 3 2025
Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September 2025
Monday | 14 July | Term 3 Starts |
Friday | 19 September | Last Day of Term 3 (school holidays start) |
Term 4 2025
Monday 6 October to Wednesday 17 December 2025
Monday | 6 October | Term 4 Starts |
Monday | 27 October | Labour Day (school closed) |
Friday | 17 December | Last Day of Term 4 (Christmas holidays start) |
Term 4 2024
Monday 14th October to Wednesday 15 December 2024
Monday | 14 October | Term 4 Starts |
Friday | 25 October | Teachers Only Day |
Monday | 28 October | Labour Day (school closed) |
Friday | 13 December | Last Day of Term 4 (Christmas holidays start) |
The Travelwise primary school programme focuses on road safety education and fun ways to get to school. Teaching children to be safe and encouraging them to get out of the car and be active inspires good habits for the future.
We encourage children to walk to school where ever possible, even if it means parking the car a few blocks away and walking the remaining journey.
Students can scooter to school as long as they wear a helmet and scooter racks are provided at school.
At the end of year 5 students take part in a bike wise programme to teach them the skills to enable them to ride to school safely as year 6 students. Students can ride to school earlier than year 6 as long as they are accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
At Cornwall Park District School, we have a compulsory school uniform which is to be worn correctly to promote pride in our school.
Our school values reflect how we treat each other every day.
Compassion – helping others, wanting to help, sacrificing for others
Perseverance – not giving up, achieving goals, staying with tasks through to completion
Diversity – respecting others, being tolerant, including others, making an effort to understand other points of view, understanding others, celebrating difference
Showing Integrity – making great choices, being honest, doing what you said you would, being trustworthy
All visitors to the school, being any person that is staying on the grounds for purposes other than dropping off or picking up children must report to the school office. A sign in/out tablet is available for use.
This very successful initiative is a great way for pupils to be able to walk to and from school safely while helping relieve parking congestion. The Walking School Bus has a ‘driver’ in front and a ‘conductor’ at the back to various pick-up/drop-off points enroute, or children are collected by caregivers at the end of the route.