The gifted and talented represent a wide range of students with many different abilities.
CPDS aims to provide for gifted and talented learners, including the twice-exceptional, by recognising and responding to their specific abilities and qualities, these may be social, emotional, cultural, creative, cognitive, physical, and/or spiritual. It is our role to support these students with a variety of strategies in the classroom to enhance their output and assist in the scaffolding of their learning.
In addition to the many opportunities CPDS offers in Sport, Music, Technology, Leadership and the Arts, we have an established “Eureka! G.A.T.E. programme.”
Mrs Rolle works each week with groups of “like-minded” individuals. During these Eureka! Sessions, the students are challenged academically and given opportunities to engage creatively and critically with their world and one another in a safe, fun and non judgemental environment.
These students have either a recommendation by an educational psychologist for a gifted programme, been referred by their classroom teacher as being well beyond their peers or identified as having the potential to be; displaying uneven performance and barriers to successful learning. Parents can also nominate their child. Each year, discussion will take place about the continued suitability of the programme for the student.
Lisa Rolle
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