BYOD – Year 3-6 – (Bring your own Device)
At CPDS we invite students to bring their own device to school from Years 3 to 6. Students can bring a device (preferably a chromebook) to use at school so that they have greater access to tools such as Google Classroom, Nearpod, Flipgrid, Book Creator and Scratch to name a few. This is beneficial to students as it gives students greater access to devices and will increase their understanding of 21st century skills such as collaboration, creativity and technical skills. Please be aware that chromebooks and devices are not a replacement for our school stationery and books. If BYOD sounds like something you would like your student to take part in, we thank you in advance. See below for more information, including places where you can purchase a device and our BYOD agreement. Email helpdesk@cpds.school.nz if you have any questions. Please note that BYOD devices are not included in the government ban on cellphones and other devices that is currently in place.
Select Cornwall Park District School and click Proceed
Discount code is “BYOD2023” enter in the top left
Cornwall Park District School has ultra fast access in every class via our computer network. Considerable planning has gone into this, including the drafting of policies, incident protocols and agreements.
In accordance with these documents and in line with what we are trying to achieve in terms of e-learning, teachers will train children in the safest ways to locate information and make use of this valuable resource.
The school system will be filtered by a filtering service, but as no filtering service is guaranteed to protect against all unsuitable material, the school has the right to monitor, access and review all use. This includes personal emails sent and received on the schools computer/s and/or network facilities at all times.
The safety of children is of paramount concern. Any apparent breach of cybersafety will be taken seriously.
Issues relating to confidentiality, such as sighting student or staff information, reasons for collecting data and the secure storage of personal details and information (including images) will be subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993.
The school has two internet safety officers, these are the associate principals. Should you have any queries please contact them through the office.
At Cornwall Park District School students contribute to creating classroom blogs which provide a virtual window into classroom learning. We are using blogs to promote student reflection before, during and after learning. A weblog, or blog, is a special type of web page that can be created and easily updated using a web browser. A blog is essentially a website or an on-line space where children can access, display and share learning/information with an authentic audience. Each entry has a comments section where visitors and other students to the blog may leave their comments for the author.
You can support your child by regularly visiting their class blog and making positive, helpful and thoughtful comments about their learning.
You will have signed the Year 0-2 Cybersafety form as part of the initial enrolment process. In Year 3 a new permission form will need to be completed as your child will be introduced to GAFE (Google Apps for Education). GAFE is a suite of productivity applications that Google offers to schools and educational institutions for free. These apps include Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs and Sites, and a GAFE account gives access to many other tools supported by Google. The range of tools offered gives students and teachers online tools that enrich communication, content creation and collaboration.
School staff will monitor the use of Google Apps when pupils are at school, including teaching ways to keep safe online, protecting personal information and responding appropriately in online settings. All students will be expected to uphold the school values in a digital environment. Parents and Caregivers are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of applications when accessing Google Apps from home.
Parents please discuss with your child the importance of being a Self-Managing, Connected and Reflective cyber-citizen at Cornwall Park District School.