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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

Cornwall’s Girls & Women Club Day

On March 1st, Cornwall will be hosting our first Girls and Women Club Day. This is where we will celebrate our female cricketers, and the Women's World Cup will also be on display from 12.30 pm. 8 am - Our…


Oranga Brownies

Know any girls ready to tackle the world, gain the spirit of adventure and make new friends along the way? We are welcoming girls 7 to 9 to join our unit, Oranga Brownies based in Royal Oak on Tuesdays. The…


St Cuthbert’s Swim School

Confidence in the water starts Young Learning to swim is a vital life skill, for enjoyment and for survival. Ensure you child receives the very best instruction by joining the St Cuthbert's Swim School. DOWNLOAD FLYER

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