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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.
Dear Parents of Year 6 Children,

It is time to start the process for our annual Performing Arts Competition for our Year 6 children. We know a number of children have already been practising in anticipation.

N.B.  Each Year 6 child can choose (this event is not compulsory) to audition in up to two different categories. All preparation and practices need to occur outside of class time. A group entry constitutes one entry with a maximum of 5 students in a group.

Entries for the Performing Arts Cup close on Tuesday 20th October (Week 2). To enter please complete and submit the form below. Auditions will take place from Week 2 onwards, after entries have closed.  A copy of any backing music for the auditions is required to be attached to the entry form (in a mp3 file or a YouTube clip. Regrettably, we are unable to use CDs.)

Once auditions have been completed, the shortlisted finalists will be notified and they will then have time to finetune their performances before a dress rehearsal on Wednesday 18th November (Week 6). This will be followed by the Performing Arts Competition performance, to be held during the school day on Thursday 19th November in the school hall, where the judging will take place.  We are very fortunate to have very skilled independent judges across these categories to adjudicate in the final competition. Winners will be selected for each category and then the overall winner selected.
  To ensure a fair process it is important that parents do not interact with the judges prior, during or after the event.

This overall winner will be awarded the Helen and John Edwards Cup for Performing Arts at the ‘End of Year’ prize giving. 

Entries for the Performing Arts Cup can be in the following categories: Instrumental, Vocal, Dance, Drama, Musical Theatre, Cultural Instruments.  Items must be no longer than three minutes in duration. Each child/group is limited to one entry per category to a maximum of two categories. To avoid disappointment, we ask parents to ensure that their child’s item is of a suitable content and standard

Click here to fill in the entry form and submit by Tuesday 20th October next week.


With thanks

Francine Werry and Linda Yu

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