For my final bl…
The build up is starting and you should be receiving the first ‘Fair’ newsletter of the year soon ……
A few exciting changes
This year we are trying some new and exciting things. The first will be the change in how the stalls are run. This year, each class will be in charge of a stall, so get in and talk to your child’s teacher to see how you can help make your child’s class stall the most successful on Fair Day.
Instead of allocating points to classes for donations, this year, we are looking at rewarding individuals and classes in new ways. Therefore, donations can be dropped off directly to Rm 30 (by the netball courts) instead of your child’s classroom, as this streamlines the system for our helpers.
CPDS have an amazing 2019 Fair Team who are already working hard to make this another successful fair, but we can’t do it on our own:- So keep an eye out in future newsletters for the different ways you can help us along the way.
今年我们会尝试一些令人兴奋的改变。 第一个是改变摊位的运行方式。 今年,每个班级都将负责一个摊位,所以请您直接与班主任联系,看看如何帮助您孩子的班级在校集会中成为最成功的班级。
今年,我们将以新的方式奖励个人和班级,不会只有班级积分。 因此,捐赠物资可以直接送到30号教室(排球场旁/游泳池旁的教室)而不是您孩子的教室,因为这样可以简化志愿工作者的作业。
Cornwall Park 小学有一个非常优秀的2019年校集会团队,他们非常努力,希望今年又是一个成功的校集会。但是我们不能只靠我们自己来完成: – 所以请留意未来的校集会通讯,您将会有更多的方式和选择来帮助我们达成这个目标。