The School Uniform Centre provides a one-stop-shop for our school and PE/sports uniform.
Open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm – Saturday 10.00am to 1.00pm
Please visit their website to see the full range
At Cornwall Park District School, we have a compulsory school uniform, governed by the Board of Trustees, which is to be worn correctly to promote pride in our school, as students are expected and encouraged to take pride in their general appearance.
- All parents will be made aware of the uniformexpectations at the time of enrolment.
- The uniformwill be made up of the approved items in a uniform schedule set out in the enrolment pack or available to view on the school website.
- No substitutions will be acceptable unless special circumstances prevail and a written request is approved by the principal.
- School hats are to be worn for all outdoor activities during term one and term four.
- All items of clothing and footwear must be clearly named.
- Watches and studs for pierced ears are the only jewellery permitted.
- Parents are responsible for maintaining the uniformto a high standard.
- A sports uniformis to be worn by all Year 5/6 students, optional for Year 4. The sports uniform should be worn for PE and all other sports events.
- For representative school sports, e.g. netball, hockey, rugby etc, a PE/sport uniformwill be provided.
- Changes to school uniformitems must be approved by the board of trustees.
Our uniform provides several options for students and aims to be smart, practical and comfortable. Both summer and winter uniform items are available and these may be
worn at any time of the year. Children can only start school with a full regulation school uniform and cannot be substituted from other retailers.
From time to time, second-hand uniform sales are arranged. Dates are advertised using HERO. If you have any uniform items that are surplus to your requirements, these can be donated to the school office. Please put items in a bag labelled Uniform Donation.
In line with the school shade policy, hats must be worn to and from school and at all times when outside during Terms 1 and 4. The school hats are designed with a broad brim for maximum face, neck and ear protection from the sun. Should your child be found not wearing their hat during break times, they will be asked to sit in the designated shade covered area.
Hair accessories – scrunchies and headbands – only as per listed in uniform list
Hair ties – navy, light or dark brown, or black
Bike pants – navy only (may be purchased from other retailers as they are not
Thermal undershirt (navy) – may only be worn (underneath) if not seen under any uniform item.
Masks – any style or colour
All students must wear black only shoes and must be worn to and from school. Shoes must have no coloured logos, soles, eyelets, labels, laces or trim. Socks should be white, or black, or navy. Stockings should be navy.
Class teachers ask children to remove their shoes during class time. All care is taken to support children’s choices during breaks, but if a parent would like their child to wear their shoes during morning tea time and lunch time it is the parent’s responsibility to enforce this.
Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly named with both first name and surname (especially shoes).