Our ESOL team helps support students for who English is a secondary language at school and, at the same time, to help them learn English for social interaction.
The aim is to enable students to gain independence and transition back into the classroom.
We provide a framework for initial and on-going assessment of abilities and needs. We work by teaching in small groups, where the need is greatest and within the limits of available funding. We also assist the classroom teachers to meet the needs of ESOL children by providing strategies and resources.
On enrolment a detailed form will be filled in by the parents, with the assistance of a translator if possible, to give clues as to education needs and abilities. Responsibility for identification of ESOL students should be made by a parent. Early notification will be followed up with a detailed assessment by the ESOL specialist team within the first six weeks of the child’s enrolment.
Assessment forms are completed by classroom teachers in conjunction with the ESOL Specialists in July and November to ascertain funding eligibility. Additional support is given to students in class by teacher aide assistance as required. We also work with families and parents to become part of the wider school community.