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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.

It is my great pleasure to welcome all our new and returning families to what is going to be a busy and exciting school year.  I hope you have all had a chance to make the most of the warm weather over the break.  We are now on the countdown to school starting and I know many of you will have already started to organise stationery, shoes and uniforms in preparation for our start on Tuesday 4 February.  I am sure most children by now are also starting to get a little excited about starting back.

I just wanted to remind you that all the teachers have set aside Monday 3 February, between 8.30am and 4pm, for parents/caregivers to book a 10 min slot to come along and tell them all about your child(ren). I also have attached a printable form at the bottom of this post that you can fill in and leave with the teacher at the end of your session.  This is wonderful opportunity to share your priorities for your child this year, or for you to share what ‘engages your child’, along with key information that may help your teacher connect quickly and powerfully from ‘Day One’.  The relationship between the teacher, child and parents is a major contributor to success at school, so if you are able to spare 10 mins, I urge you to come along and make the most of this opportunity.  Get in quick to make sure you are able secure the best time.

If you wish to also touch base with any of the Leadership Team (Myself, Dawn and Shanthan) or an Office Angel, to discuss anything, or just to say hello, we will be around the office all day, and would love to see you; just drop in.

To book a session please click on

and enter …   wx9ez

Click here to download the Getting to Know Your Child Form 

Here’s to a brilliant 2020 school year!!!

Kind regards

新年伊始,在此首先祝各位新老学生及所有家长们新年快乐。学校开学在即,各位应该已经开始积极的准备着新学期需要的文具,服装,鞋帽。 本学期开学日为2020 年2月4日 。我相信很多小朋友已经兴奋不已的期待着这一天的到来。
在此提醒各位家长,我校的老师们已经做好了准备,在2月3 日 早8.30至下午4点,召开家长见面会。每名学生的家长将有10分钟时间,与老师面对面的交谈,介绍自己的孩子。请在网页下方点击链接下载为您准备好的表格。请打印表格并认真填写。请于老师见面会时将表格交给老师。这次的见面会虽然短暂,但是为您提供了一个很好的机会,告诉老师你对孩子新学年的展望。或提供给老师第一手的材料,深入了解您的孩子,为老师在开学第一天就能和孩子更好的沟通提供帮助。我校非常重视孩子,家长和老师直接的三方互动关系。请尽快预约当天适合自己的时间。
如果您想与校领导(校长, Dawn 或 Shanthan)或办公室员工联络,请您于当日到学校办公室,我们在此恭候您的到来,欢迎聆听您的意见及建议。


Click here to download the Getting to Know Your Child Form 


Kind regards

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