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Whakapau kaha – to be better than before.
  • BOT

The Cornwall Park District School Board of Trustees had its monthly meeting on Tuesday evening 21 November. This note provides a brief update to parents, whānau and caregivers on both that meeting and any other key Board issues.

The Principal presented her monthly report which included the results for the Student Well Being survey. This is a survey undertaken every couple of years by our students to help the management and staff understand how our students are doing and how they feel about the school. It asks our students if they feel safe, providing a picture at the level of bullying in the school and whether or not the students know what to do about it, as well as asking them if they feel they are heard, what they think of the staff and how they interact with them and how they see staff interact with their families.

This is a very useful tool to gauge what goes on inside and outside classroom time so that our staff can work to improve on any areas of concern or tension for staff, students and their families.

We were impressed to find that the majority of our students do feel safe at school and are united in the understanding that behaviour such as bullying or hurting others is not acceptable. Our students also value the different cultures in our school and believe our staff to be respectful of each other, of the students and of their whanau.

The report also shows some matters to be addressed such as providing students with more say with what goes on in the school, ongoing maintenance of buildings and playground equipment and education of what bullying is. On this last matter, the Principal will be providing some material through her regular updates on the website in the new school year, that should be of interest to all.

As stated above, the report will be used to inform the staff and guide their teaching programmes and practices. The survey is available on our website should you wish to view it.

Next, the Finance and Property Committee informed us of the latest on the development of our property. We approved an additional spend of approx. $36,000 for the development of the space under Room 27.

The Community Committee provided a summary of feedback received on the charter review. Thank you to those who took the time to complete the survey on-line. The majority of the matters were directed at the management level of the school and these will be incorporated by them moving forward, where appropriate. Generally though the feedback supported the Charter as it reads and therefore will be carried through for 2018.

We updated our Work Plan and Action register to accommodate the amendments and updates that we made during the meeting.

While this is the second to last meeting for the year this will be our last 2017 update to you as the last meeting (in December) is just a short one to discuss how our draft budget is looking for the coming year.

The BOT is looking forward to Flag Day 2017 gap where we can farewell our wonderful year six students and send them on their way to their next great learning adventure. We will also take the opportunity to thank some people who have given a lot of their time and energy to the school to make it the place that it is. With mixed feelings, we will also be farewelling some of our magnificent staff who will be going on to their next great adventure as well. (We are sure it will be an eventful day and hope that you can join us in this tradition that Cornwall Park District School is very proud of.

On behalf of the Board, thank you for taking the time to read these newsletters and providing your input on the matters raised. We appreciate knowing that you feel able to use this avenue to engage with your school.
Nga mihi nui/ Very warm regards

Chair: Lee-Ann Lucas
Treasurer: Sarah Sutcliffe
Jamie Galloway
Michael O’Brien
Nicki Taylor
Lou Dennis
Gowan Duff
Chris Porteous
Janine Irvine


11月21日星期二晚上 Cornwall Park 小学举行了每月一次的董事会。这个最新简报是让所有的父母、家庭和看护人了解会议上所讨论的问题。










董事会非常期待2017年的国旗日,我们将欢送六年级的学生,并将他们送往下一个学习的领域。我们也借此次机会感谢一些为学校付出了很多时间和精力,让学校能有今日的人。非常感慨,我们也将告别一些学校的员工,他们将会继续前往下一个冒险旅程。( 我们相信这将是个充满活力的一天,希望您能参与这个 Cornwall Park 小学引以自豪的传统节日。)



Cornwall Park 小学董事会


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